Monday, June 10, 2013

Web 2.0 Evaluation

The Web 2.0 tool that I would choose would be Ubidesk Online Collaboration.
It is an online resource where students can share files and documents anywhere and to anyone. Ubidesk also allows students to work on documents at the same time and share ideas faster. I would use this online resource if I was having my students work together in groups when they are creating projects or doing work from home. This online resource helps students to work outside of class without having to meet face-to-face.

One of the accounts I have never used before if LiveJournal. I really enjoy using this tool because it is an organized way to keep me information, my opinions, and my thoughts. I also think that it is great because it can be accessed from anywhere and does not require any outside resources such as a pen and paper. Another account that I find interesting and useful is my Delicious account. I had never heard of this website before I was enrolled in this class. I am excited to see what I can do on this website and the features that are available to me.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Assignment #5

            A classroom teacher needs different technologies to assist him or her in daily activities. If I were to be given $10,000 to buy technology for my classroom I would first purchase four new computers. I would purchase Dell computers because they are reliable and affordable. The reason why I would purchase four is because the computer I was originally given was too out dated to be used. I think it would be an asset to have an up to date desktop computer. This would benefit the students because then they would not have to share a computer with me. I would distribute the three remaining computers among the classroom for use by the students. These would allow students the ability to actively use computers whenever they need to.
            Computers are necessary for classroom learning because students need to be able to access learning activities such as Star Fall. This online computer game assesses student’s math skills. Computers are also helpful for students to learn how to type as well as navigate the Internet. They are also necessary for students to complete their weekly reading tests. Finally, having computers in the classroom will teach students responsibility because they will learn how to take care of the computers and not damage them.
            The equipment I have selected comes in a bundle with the computer, the monitor, and the printer. The printer is also a great asset to the classroom, because as a teacher I will be required to print off lessons and different activities for the students. The printer will benefit the students because they will then use the information I have printed in the daily lesson plans. With the printer I will need ink and paper. These will allow me to print what is needed for my lesson plans, which with in turn benefits my students. I will also need a mouse and keyboard for each computer. These are vital because without them the students would not be able to use the computer. Lastly, I will need headphones and speakers for the computers. The use of headphones will serve my students greatly. They will be able to listen to things on the computer without distracting their classmates. Speakers are also helpful in the classroom because when more then one student wants to listen to something they are able to.
            The next few items I would like to have in my classroom are an electronic whiteboard and a digital protector as well as a replacement lamp. A digital protector would be useful in my classroom because it would allow me to pull up documents or websites on my computer and project them for the whole class to see. This would be useful for students who are visual and auditory learners because they could see and hear the information being taught to them.
            The electronic whiteboard and wireless pen tablet would allow me to create items on the tablet and have them transferred to the whiteboard. The great thing about these items is that they are mess free and are more organized. When teachers write directly on the board it can become unorganized. Having this whiteboard would allow me to organize information and present it more clearly. The electronic whiteboard also has the capability of saving the information written on it for a later date. This would be useful for students who did not understand a problem or who were absent. Another use would that it shows them a different way to learn to new information. I can write on, and circle different parts of what I am teaching to emphasize its importance. Lastly, the elevation mobile stand would be useful because it would allow me to move the whiteboard when I wanted to write on the dry erase board or project images directly on the dry erase board. This would be useful for students because they could become actively engaged in the lesson by writing on pictures or papers projected on the board.            
            In conclusion all of these technologies and accessories would be useful in my classroom because they engage students in what they learning about. They allow students to interact with one another and the teacher. Lastly, it broadens their familiarity with different types of technologies that will be useful in their future endeavors.  

Monday, February 4, 2013

Assignment #3

            Learning and cognitive style inventories both measure different parts of your personality and learning styles. The cognitive style inventory test measures personality using four different sections. The results of my cognitive test were Introverted, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. Together these four personalities traits make up my personality type or INFJ. The results given by this test describe how I interact with the world and others. It showed that I am an introverted person meaning I work problems out internally and I seek out personal relationships with others. Another characteristic of my personality is that I have intuition meaning I strive for the future and am futuristic. I seek out answers in what is unknown. Feeling was another characteristic and this means that I let the small things get to me and that I care about the success and well being of those close to me. Finally I am judging which means I plan out my course of action. I tend to schedule plans and rarely feel comfortable going with the flow.
            The next test, the learning style inventory test, measures the different learning strategies I use on a daily basis. The top four characteristics I scored highest in were Solitary, Social, Physical, and Aural. A solitary learning style means I enjoy studying and working alone to accomplish tasks. The social learning style means that when it comes to learning new information I enjoy the company of others such as my peers. Another one of the learning styles is physical meaning I learn best through the use of my hands. Finally I am an aural learning stylist meaning I enjoy music or background noises when I am working or studying. Together these styles work together to create my personal learning style.
            In response to these test results I was surprised. I was surprised at how accurate they were in determining my personality and my learning styles. Personally I feel that they provide an accurate description of who I am as a person. For example in the first test it showed that I have intuition. I have always looked to the future for answers and do my best not to dwell on the past. It also proved that I was judging and this is not a negative thing. Judging in my situations means I like to plan things out and I like schedules. Together these two characteristics work together to help me create a detailed out look on the future. The other test was surprising accurate as well. It provided four characteristics that exhibit my learning styles perfectly. I enjoy learning with groups of people, but when it comes to studying I enjoy a place with no distractions. These two characteristics were shown in my test. Finally I never realized that background noise or music was apart of my learning style. I have always enjoyed music while doing homework and require the sound of the fan to drown out the silence. Together the results of these two tests will help me to determine my strengths and weaknesses and become a better teacher.
            In conclusion these results will help me as a teacher in my future classroom. My four personality characteristics will help me create relationships with my students. They will help me to determine what I like and dislike and using that information I can better improve my classroom instruction and tolerance. I will also be able to relate to a student who shows the same personality characteristics as me. This will enable me to tailor my lesson plan to the uniqueness of each child. The learning styles test will further improve my ability to tailor my lesson plans because I know that everyone learns differently. By sharing these learning styles with my students I will be able to see which best suits their individual needs.

Assignment #1

Technology in Education
            Educational technology is the use of interactive technological devices for the purpose of engaging students in learning. The definition of educational technology as stated in Chapter 1 of the Teaching and Learning with Technology textbook is “any technology used by educators in support of the teaching and learning process” (Lever-Duffy & McDonald p. 5). This definition is similar to my personal definition because both describe the use of technology to promote the learning process. However they are different because I focused on the importance of engaging students in their learning, whereas the book specifies it as a support for teaching that encompasses the general idea of what educational technology is. The role of technology with teaching and learning differs from person to person.
            I personally believe that the role of technology in learning is the importance of giving students a visual and hands-on approach to learning new material. Technology plays a role in every subject whether it is English, Science or even Math. For example in math students can use different websites to practice math problems or study for tests. These websites interact with students and give them opportunities to manipulate different problems or shapes. The role of teaching with technology has a different approach.
            The role of technology in teaching is to actively engage students in what they are learning by providing them different learning strategies. For example every student learns differently so by teaching with technology I can create a lesson that is suited to meet every child’s unique learning styles. For students who are visual learners I can use projectors or PowerPoint so that students can see what is being taught. For those students who are audio learners I can use different technological devices talk to students and verbalize the new information being taught. Finally for those students who work best when they can interact with what they are learning about, I can introduce hands-on activities. For example in science when learning about different plants I can bring examples in so students can work with them. This will benefit not only the hands-on learner but also the visual and audio learner as well. Technology may be useful for these types of learners, but there are factors that encourage and discourage the use of technology in the classroom.
            Factors that encourage technology in the classroom are students with disabilities. Students with disabilities may require the use of technology to assist them in the learning process. For example students who cannot speak may require a device that they can input information into to then communicate. Another factor that encourages technology in the classroom is a student’s potential. All students should be given as many opportunities as possible to reach their potential. This means that if technology will assist them in this goal then they should be encouraged to use it. However often times there are factors that discourage the use of technology in the classroom.
             Technology can become discouraging if the technology is out of date and not useful. If the technology is not serving its purpose of helping students learn then this can become an issue in teaching. Another factor that can discourage the use of technology in the classroom is when the technology becomes expensive or teachers do not know how to use it. This takes away from the money that could be spent on other needed resources for the classroom. It also takes away teaching and learning time if the teacher does not know how to work the technology. Finally technology can become discouraging when it becomes hard to incorporate it into a lesson plan. Sometimes the use of a certain technological device does not fit the lesson topic.  In this case teachers should save that website or computer program for a different, more fitting topic. In my education I have been exposed to a variety of technology that will benefit me as a future teacher.
            My prior experiences with technology have been a combination of teaching and learning. At an early age I was exposed to such things as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. As a student I used these devices to create projects for class and write papers. I also have had experience using things such as Adobe Photoshop and Wiki. These devices allowed me to be creative when it came to creating digital images and interactive presentations. Technology was also a very big part of how I learned new information.
            Technology was a part of my everyday curriculum in middle and high school. Almost every teacher used a PowerPoint device to lecture from. Personally I did not feel that this was the best way to teach the information. When my teachers taught like this I was not being engaged; instead I was constantly writing trying to keep up with the material. I felt more engaged with my teachers when they knew their material and did hands on activities that tied it all together. Hands on activities are great ways for students to feel connected with what they are learning about. In my experience with teaching I have focused most lessons around getting students involved using interactive technology.
            The experiences I have had with technology as a teacher have varied. I have used different programs on the Ipad to help children learn the alphabet and their colors. The program used an interactive train to show students visually different letters and colors. On each train car a different letter would appear and a voice would say the name of the letter. The students would then have to repeat the letter. This allowed students to visually see what the letter looked like, but it also allowed them to hear what it sounded like. I have also seen technology used in classroom with smaller children helping them to develop their sensory motor skills. Using a touch screen on the Ipad I helped students to manipulate their fingers in order to correctly touch the objects on the screen.
            In the classroom I have also assisted teachers using the smart board and the projector screen. On these devices I wrote down instructions that I wanted my students to follow. By writing the directions on the projector I was able to make it the center of attention in the classroom. This also was more effective then writing it on the board because this way it would not accidently be erased. The projector was also a great way for students to see what I was doing when I was teaching math. I would write a problem on paper and it would be projected onto the board, then students could interact and engage in the work by writing on the board.                  
                  In conclusion educational technology is the use of interactive technological devices for the purpose of engaging students in learning. I hope that in my future career as a teacher I can effectively incorporate technology into my lessons. Students can gain so much by learning how to use technology at an early age. The sooner they are exposed to technology the better off they will be. A student’s ability to use technology effectively is a great tool for them to have and I hope to provide them with as many opportunities as possible to be successful using it.


Lever-Duffy, J., & McDonald, J. (2007). Teaching and learning with technology. (4th ed., p. 5). Boston: Pearson Education Inc.